ADtv - Satu
skandal pengawasan baru berlaku di Jerman. Ianya ternyata bahawa setengah dozen
kemudahan yg seolah-olah tidak bersalah termasuk pejabat telekom, sebenarnya,
stesen mengintip. Ini telah disahkan oleh perkhidmatan perisikan. Dan beberapa
kemudahan ini dilaporkan digunakan oleh kerajaan Amerika Syarikat.
facilities turned out to be nationwide spy stations in Germany . . .
new surveillance scandal is unfolding in Germany. It turns out that half a
dozen seemingly innocent facilities including a telecom office are, in fact,
spying stations. This has been confirmed by the intelligence service. And some
of these facilities were reportedly used by the US government.
mengakui ianya beroperasi STESEN PENGINTIP
di seluruh NEGARA . . .
Imej/Image from
Perisikan Asing Jerman (BND), dalam usaha untuk datang bersih dalam dikompromi massa
selepas Snowden, yang telah mendedahkan bahawa beberapa kemudahan misteri
menghiasi sepanjang sisi Jerman yang sebenarnya digunakan sebagai stesen
satu dalam ruangan kemenangan untuk ahli-ahli teori konspirasi.
ADMITS it Operates NATIONWIDE Spy Stations
Foreign Intelligence Agency (BND), in an effort to come clean in these
compromised post-Snowden times, has revealed that a number of mysterious
facilities dotting Germany are in fact used as spy stations.
one in the victory column for the conspiracy theorists.
Imej/Image from
bertahun-tahun menafikan ia mempunyai apa2 berkaitan dengan organisasi
seperti Institut Ionosfera, dan laman web snubbing "konspirasi"
tuntutan yang berla-wanan, yang BND mengakui kompleks misteri sebenarnya stesen
pengawasan kurang disembunyikan.
satu kemudahan yg sebelum ini dikenali sebagai Pejabat Telekomunikasi Trafik
Angkatan Tentera Jerman, di Bad Aibling, berhampiran Munich, telah sehingga ini
identiti rahsia yang dikhianati oleh golf berbentuk bola Radom besar ke atas
rumput itu.
agensi risikan mengumpul mengadakan satu majlis di kompleks itu pada hari
Jumaat utk mengumumkan papan nama tembaga mengisytiharkan tujuan sebenar.
many years of denying it had any connection with organizations such as the
Ionosphere Institute, and snubbing website “conspiracy” claims to the contrary,
the BND admitted the mysterious complexes were in fact poorly concealed
surveillance stations.
of the facilities, previously known as the Telecommunications Traffic Office of
the German Armed Forces, in Bad Aibling, near Munich, had its hitherto secret
identity betrayed by massive golf ball-shaped radomes on its lawn.
German intelligence-gathering agency held a ceremony at the complex on Friday
to unveil a brass nameplate declaring its real purpose.
Gerhard Schindler berdiri
di pangkalan pemantauan bekas Agensi Keselamatan Kebangsaan (NSA) di Bad
Aibling, selatan Munich, 6 Jun, 2014 (Gerhard Schindler stands at the former
monitoring base of the National Security Agency (NSA) in Bad Aibling, south of
Munich, June 6, 2014 (Reuters/Michaela Rehle)
BND Gerhard Schindler mengakui ia adalah masa untuk melepaskan muslihat itu.
tidak masuk akal, untuk memberi contoh yang mudah, bahawa laman web luaran BND
dijalankan dengan nama-nama rahsia jika hakikat bahawa mereka tergolong dalam
BND boleh dibaca di internet," Schindler mengakui baru-baru ini.
ada satu perkara yg lelaki itu di jalan akan ingat dari perdebatan NSA
keseluruhan di Jerman, ia adalah bahawa stesen bumi satelit di Bad Aibling
milik BND," katanya.
chief Gerhard Schindler admitted it was time to give up the ruse.
makes no sense, to give a simple example, that external sites of the BND are
run with covert names if the fact that they belong to the BND can be read on
the internet,” Schindler acknowledged recently.
there’s one thing that the man on the street will remember from the whole NSA
debate in Germany, it’s that the satellite ground stations in Bad Aibling
belong to the BND,” he added.
Imej/Image from
kemudahan pengintip secara rasmi dikaitkan dengan risikan isyarat kerja-mana
agensi memasang telinga di radio, data dan telefon lalu lintas.
adalah hari yang sibuk untuk agensi2 pengintip, seperti Vodaphone,
syarikat telefon mudah alih yg ke-2 terbesar di DUNIA, mengakui ia telah
membenarkan agensi perisikan dari hampir 30 negara kuasa utk mendengar dalam
perbualan pelanggan.
yang berpangkalan di UK yang dikeluarkan pada hari yang sama yang
Pen-guatkuasaan Undang-undang 40,000 perkataan Laporan Pendedahan, yg telah
dila-belkan "Kaji selidik yang paling komprehensif lagi mengenai bagaimana
kerajaan memantau perbualan dan di mana rakyat2 mereka," Guardian melaporkan.
six spy facilities are officially linked to the agency’s signals intelligence
work -which eavesdrops on radio, data and phone traffic.
was a busy day for the spy agencies, as Vodaphone, the world’s second largest
mobile phone company, admitted it had allowed the intelligence agencies from
almost 30 countries the power to listen in on customer conversations.
UK-based company released on the same day a 40,000-word Law Enforcement
Disclosure Report, which has been labeled “the most comprehensive survey yet of
how governments monitor the conversations and whereabouts of their people,” the
Guardian reported.