Firman Allah Ta’ala: ‘Hai orang-orang yang beriman, jauhilah kebanyakan dari prasangka (kecurigaan), karena sebagian dari prasangka itu dosa. Dan janganlah mencari-cari keburukan orang dan janganlah menggunjingkan satu sama lain. Adakah seorang diantara kamu yang suka memakan daging saudaranya yang sudah mati? Maka tentulah kamu merasa jijik kepadanya. Dan bertakwalah kepada Allah. Sesungguhnya Allah Maha Penerima Taubat lagi Maha Penyayang’ (Surah 49 ‘Al ‘Hujuraat: Ayat 12)
The supermoon of March 2011, rising behind the Lincoln Memorial In Washington, DC.
moon will officially become full Saturday (5 May) at 11:35 p.m. EDT. So look at
the sky then, folks. The biggest supermoon will light our sky!
Cc1WC'sNEWS: The Biggest Supermoon
in Years is Coming Saturday Night
in Years is Coming Saturday Night
By Joseph
Stromberg, Smithsonian
Magazine @1WORLDCommunity
Saturday evening, take a look at the night sky and you might see something
special. The moon will make its largest, most stunning appearance of the year -
an event known to scientists as “the perigee-syzygy of the Earth-Moon-Sun
system” and to the popular skywatching public simply as the “supermoon.” As one
of the most spectacular supermoons in years, the moon will appear 14 percent
bigger and 30 percent brighter than when it is on the far side of its orbit.
does the moon sometimes appear larger, and sometimes smaller? The answer lies
in the fact that its orbit around Earth is elliptical, so its distance from us
varies - it ranges from roughly 222,000 to 252,000 miles away each month. On
Saturday, the moon will reach what is known as the perigee, coming as close as it
ever does to the Earth, just 221,802 miles away. At the same time, it will be a
full moon, with the entirety of its Earth-facing surface illuminated by the
light of the sun.
supermoon will appear especially large because the exact moment of perigee will
neatly coincide with the appearance of a perfectly full moon. The full moon
will occur at 11:34 p.m. EST, and the perigee will occur at 11:35. During last
year’s supermoon on March 19, 2011, for comparison, the perigee and full moon
were 50 minutes apart.
Sabtu ini, sila lihat di langit malam dan anda mungkin melihat sesuatu yang
istimewa. Bulan akan membuat terbesar, rupa yang paling menakjubkan tahun ini".
Supermoon" acara yang dikenali kepada ahli-ahli sains sebagai
"perigee-syzygy itu daripada sistem Bumi-Bulan-Matahari" dan kepada
orang ramai skywatching popular hanya sebagai Sebagai salah 1 daripada
supermoons paling hebat dalam tahun-tahun, bulan akan muncul 14 peratus lebih
besar dan 30 peratus lebih terang berbanding apabila ia di jauh di sebelah
bulan kadang kala muncul lebih besar, dan kadang-kadang lebih kecil? Jawapannya
terletak pada hakikat bahawa orbitnya mengelilingi Bumi adalah elips, jadi
jaraknya dari kami berbeza - antara kira-kira 222, 000 hingga 252, 000 batu jauhnya
setiap bulan.
hari Sabtu, bulan akan mencapai apa yang dikenali sebagai perigee, datang dekat
kerana ia pernah lakukan kepada Bumi, hanya 221. 802 batu jauhnya. Pada masa
yang sama, ia akan menjadi bulan penuh, dengan keseluruhan permukaan Bumi menghadap
diterangi oleh cahaya matahari.
timing is almost perfect,” says NASA, according
to the Washington Post. AccuWeather’s astronomy blogger
Daniel Voglernotes
that a look through recent data reveals no more closely-timed (and
therefore bigger) supermoons.
from providing a sight to behold in the night sky, the moon’s perigee also has
a tangible effect on Earth: It causes higher than normal tides. Because tides
are driven by the moon’s gravitational effects, a closer moon means that the
oceans will be pulled more than usual towards the satellite. In most places,
this will mean a tide that is an inch or so higher than usual, but geographical
factors can multiply the effect up to around six inches.
has long been speculation that the moon’s gravitational effect during its
perigee could be the cause of natural disasters, including earthquakes and
volcanic activity. In particular, many suggested this link following the
earthquake and subsequent tsunami off the coast of Japan in March of 2011.
However, the devastating quake occurred over a week before the supermoon, and
studies have shown no strong evidence for increased frequency of high-intensity
seismic activity during the moon’s perigee.
are more concrete examples, though, in which supermoons may cause problems. In
particular, flooding during storms may be made more severe because of the
higher tides. In 1962, the coincidental arrival of a powerful storm with the
moon’s perigee inundated the entire Atlantic coast of Cape Cod, causing 40
deaths and US$500 million in property damage.
Saturday, assuming no damaging storms or floods are at your doorstep, just hope
for a clear night and take a look outside. The moon will appear larger and brighter
than usual all night, but for the most striking views, try to catch it just
after it rises above the horizon, when an optical illusion causes
it to look larger than it really is, and viewing it through the gases of the
earth’s atmosphere can cause the moon to appear yellow, orange or red in
(Source: Smithsonian
Magazine. Edited).
And not only that...two other
events will occur: (1) A triple conjunction of the moon, the planet Saturn and
the bright star Spica, and (2) a meteor shower. Read the full article here.
hampir sempurna," kata NASA, mengikut Washington Post. AccuWeather
astronomi blogger Daniel Voglernotes bahawa melihat melalui data terkini
menunjukkan tidak lebih rapat-masa yang ditetapkan (dan dengan itu lebih besar)
daripada menyediakan penglihatan untuk melihat di langit malam, perigee bulan
juga mempunyai kesan yang ketara di Bumi: Ia menyebabkan lebih tinggi daripada
air pasang biasa. Kerana air pasang didorong oleh kesan graviti bulan, bulan
yang lebih dekat bermakna bahawa lautan akan ditarik lebih daripada biasa ke
satelit. Di kebanyakan tempat, ini bermakna melonjakkan inci atau lebih tinggi
daripada biasa, tetapi faktor geografi boleh membiak berkuat kuasa sehingga
kira-kira 6 inci.
lama terdapat menjadi spekulasi bahawa kesan graviti bulan semasa perigee boleh
menjadi punca bencana alam, termasuk gempa bumi dan aktiviti gunung berapi.
Khususnya, ramai mencadangkan link ini berikutan gempa bumi dan tsunami yang
berikutnya perairan Jepun pada bulan Mac 2011.
bagaimanapun, gempa bumi yang dahsyat berlaku lebih seminggu sebelum supermoon,
dan kajian telah menunjukkan tiada bukti yang kukuh untuk frekuensi yang
meningkat tinggi intensiti aktiviti seismik semasa perigee bulan.
lebih banyak contoh-contoh konkrit, walaupun, di mana supermoons boleh
menyebabkan masalah. Khususnya, banjir semasa ribut boleh lebih teruk kerana
pasang-surut yang lebih tinggi. Pada tahun 1962, ketibaan kebetulan ribut yang
kuat dengan perigee bulan yang dibanjiri Atlantik seluruh pantai Cape Cod,
menyebabkan 40 kematian dan AS $ 500 juta pada kerosakan harta benda.
hari Sabtu, (Malaysia Ahad) dengan andaian tiada ribut kerosakan atau banjir di
depan pintu anda, hanya mengharapkan malam yang jelas dan jenguk luar dan lihat.
Bulan akan muncul lebih besar dan cerah daripada biasa sepanjang malam, tetapi
untuk pemandangan yang paling menonjol, cuba untuk tonton hanya selepas ia naik
di atas ufuk, apabila 1 ilusi optik menyebabkan ia kelihatan lebih besar
daripada benar-benar, dan melihat melalui gas atmosfera bumi boleh menyebabkan
bulan kelihatan kuning, jingga atau berwarna merah.
bukan sahaja . . . 2 acara-acara lain akan berlaku: (1) bersama-sama 3 bulan,
Zuhal planet dan bintang terang Spica, dan (2) pancuran meteor. Baca artikel
penuh di sini here.
The following article provides scientific explanations for the few mysteries of the moon that have puzzled scientists for centuries. As you can see here, they still remain mysterious. There are things that even science, despite its technological advancement, cannot explain.
5 Moon Mysteries to Ponder
During Saturday's Supermoon
By Adam Hadhazy and
Natalie Wolchover,
how much scientists know about inaccessible realms of the universe, from the
interiors of black holes to the nuclei of atoms, you'd think they would have
our nearest celestial neighbour all figured out. Not so. The moon still
harbours secrets aplenty.
following five moon mysteries have had astronomers scratching their heads for
decades, centuries and in some cases even thousands of years. So, on Saturday
(May 5) while you're gazing at the "supermoon" - the term for when
the full moon coincides with lunar perigee, making it loom especially large and
bright in the night sky - give your head a scratch, too, and ponder these
intriguing lunar secrets.
berapa banyak ahli sains tentang alam tidak boleh diakses alam semesta, dari
bahagian dalam lubang hitam nukleus atom, anda akan berfikir mereka akan
mempunyai jiran terdekat cakerawala kita semua terfikir. Tidak begitu. Bulan
masih bercita-rahsia terbuka luas.
worldwide have long offered up myths to explain the moon's existence. Nowadays,
scientists have other ideas of what really happened.
lines of evidence (including the moon's smallish core, its complement of
certain elements and computer simulations rewinding the Earth-moon orbital
dance over eons) point to the moon being spawned in a giant impact. According
to this theory, about 4.5 billion years ago, a Mars-size body slammed into a
young, molten Earth, and that collision gouged out the material that would
coalesce into our lunar neighbour.
picture has problems, however. The theoretical impactor, dubbed Theia, should
have left residue with distinctive characteristics, but they have not been
detected. And the amount of certain substances in the moon - too much frozen
water, for example - does not readily mesh with a hot, cataclysmic origin
di seluruh dunia telah lama ditawarkan mitos untuk menjelaskan kewujudan bulan.
Pada masa kini, saintis mempunyai idea lain apa yang sebenarnya berlaku.
barisan bukti (teras smallish bulan, pelengkap elemen-elemen tertentu dan
simulasi komputer gulung semula tarian orbit Bumi-moon lebih eons) mata kepada
bulan yang melahirkan kesan gergasi. Menurut teori ini, kira-kira 4. 5 bilion
tahun yang lalu, sebuah badan Marikh saiz menyelar ke Bumi muda, lebur, dan
perlanggaran yang gouged bahan yang akan bergabung ke negara jiran di lunar
Why two-faced?
Apollo 16 metric camera image of the moon's eastern limb and far side. The lower left region is visible from Earth. The upper right area is the heavily cratered lunar far side. |
moon is "tidally locked" to Earth, meaning only one hemisphere faces
us. We know that side well, with its dark regions called maria, or
"seas," of cooled magma. Oddly, however, these maria are virtually
absent from the back side of the moon, as has been revealed to us by probes
(and seen in person by Apollo 8 astronauts). The proverbial "dark side of
the moon" also is much more pockmarked by craters.
starkly different hemispheres have been partly explained by the far side having
a crust roughly 9 miles (15 kilometres) thicker than that of the near side. The
crust on the side facing us could have more easily cracked under the onslaught
of meteorites, causing maria-forming magma to
be released from deeper in the moon. But that crustal asymmetry is an
enigma itself.
extra cratering, meanwhile, could stem from greater exposure to space on the
far side than on the Earth-shielded near side. Better modelling of the moon's
interior and a better understanding of the damage wrought by impacting bodies
might help explain this strange two-facedness. (What
Does the Top of the Moon Look Like?)
"kunci air pasang surut" ke Bumi, bermakna hanya satu hemisfera
menghadapi kita. Kita tahu sampingan yang baik, dengan kawasan-kawasan gelap
yang dipanggil maria, atau "laut," magma disejukkan. Anehnya, walau
bagaimanapun, maria ini hampir tidak ada di sebelah belakang bulan, seperti
yang telah diturunkan kepada kami oleh probe (dan dilihat orang oleh angkasawan
Apollo 8). Pepatah "sisi gelap bulan" juga lebih capuk oleh kawah.
Berbeza telah sebahagiannya dijelaskan oleh sebelah jauh mempunyai kerak yang
kira-kira 9 batu (15 kilometer) tebal daripada sebelah berhampiran. Kerak di
sebelah menghadap kita boleh mempunyai lebih mudah retak di bawah serangan
meteorit, menyebabkan magma maria-pembentukan akan dibebaskan daripada lebih
mendalam dalam bulan. Tetapi bahawa kerak asimetri 1 enigma sendiri.
Why so big near the horizon?
Skywatcher Tim McCord of Entiat, Washington, caught this amazing view of the March 19, 2011, supermoon just as it was rising. |
moon stays the same size throughout the night, regardless of whether it's
hovering near the horizon or soaring overhead. However, a low-hanging
moon appears much larger than a high-flying one. This trick
of the brain - known either as the moon illusion or the Ponzo
illusion - has been observed since ancient times, but still has no generally
accepted explanation.
theory holds that we're used to seeing clouds just a few miles above us, while
we know that clouds on the horizon can be tens of miles distant. If a cloud on
the horizon is the same size as clouds normally are overhead despite its great
distance, we know it must be huge. And because the moon near the horizon is the
same size as it normally is overhead, our brains automatically tack on a
similar size increase.
not everyone thinks clouds have worked their magic on our brains to such a
great extent. One alternative hypothesis holds that the moon seems larger near
the horizon because we can compare its size to nearby trees and other objects
on Earth - and it looms large in comparison. Overhead, amid the vast expanse of
outer space, the moon seems diminutive.
tetap saiz yang sama sepanjang malam, tanpa mengira sama ada ia berlegar
berhampiran ufuk atau melambung tinggi overhed. Walau bagaimanapun, bulan yang
rendah tergantung kelihatan lebih besar daripada terbang 1 tinggi. Ini
muslihat otak yang dikenali sama ada sebagai ilusi bulan atau ilusi Ponzo telah
diperhatikan sejak zaman purba, tetapi masih tidak mempunyai penjelasan yang
diterima umum.
teori berpendapat bahawa kita akan digunakan untuk melihat awan hanya beberapa
batu di atas kita, sementara kita tahu bahawa awan di kaki langit boleh menjadi
puluhan batu jauh. Jika awan di kaki langit adalah saiz yang sama kerana awan
biasanya overhed walaupun jarak yang sangat jauh, kita tahu ia mestilah besar.
Dan kerana bulan berhampiran ufuk adalah saiz yang sama kerana ia biasanya
adalah overhed, otak kita secara automatik jelujur pada peningkatan saiz yang
Why so blue?
An illustration showing the stream of charged hydrogen ions carried from the sun to the moon by the solar wind. Scientists think this process might explain the possible presence of hydroxyl or water on the moon. |
moon is much more watery than would be expected. Water ice has turned up
meters-deep in craters near the poles, particularly in a plume kicked up by the
deliberate impact of NASA's LCROSS probe in 2009. Studies have suggested the
interior of the moon is also far wetter than ever supposed (though still
hyper-arid compared with modern-day Earth). Recent re-examinations of the rock
samples brought back to Earth by astronauts have even yielded signs of water.
comets most likely delivered a substantial portion of this water when they
smashed into the moon, but scientists are still at a loss about the sheer
quantity of H2O. It's possible, they believe, that some of the water may even
be made right there on the moon, by protons in the solar wind interacting with
metal oxides in the moon rocks. (Where
Did Earth's Water Come From?)
adalah lebih cair daripada yang boleh dijangkakan. Air ais telah bertukar meter
sedalam dalam kawah berhampiran kutub, terutamanya dalam plum yang ditendang
oleh kesan sengaja probe NASA LCROSS di 2009. Kajian telah mencadangkan dalaman
bulan juga jauh lebih lembap berbanding sebelum ini yang sepatutnya (walaupun
masih hiper-gersang berbanding dengan hari-Bumi). Baru-baru ini semula
peperiksaan sampel batu yang dibawa balik ke Bumi oleh angkasawan telah pun
membuahkan tanda-tanda air.
Is it alone?
Computer-generated image depicting a view of Earth as seen from the surface of the asteroid Toutatis. |
think Earth might actually have two
moons. One is that waxing and waning nightlight we all know and love,
while the other is a tiny asteroid, no bigger than a smart car, making huge
donuts around Earth for a while before zipping off into the distance. Based on
the number and distribution of asteroids in the solar system, researchers
estimate that there should be at least one space rock at least 1 meter (3.3
feet) wide orbiting Earth at any given time. They're not always the same rock,
but rather an ever-changing cast of "temporary moons."
the scientists' theoretical model, our planet's gravity captures these
asteroids as they pass near us on their way around the sun. When one is drawn
in, it typically makes three irregularly shaped swings around Earth - sticking
with us for about nine months - before hurtling on its way.
the temporarily captured asteroids are tough to spot - too small when they're
orbiting far away, and too fast and blurry when they swing close by - so we
can't be sure they're there. If future sky surveys prove we really do have a
second moon, then many scientists think we should build a spacecraft to go get
it and bring it back to Earth.
Top image: An enhanced image of
the Moon taken with the NOAO Mosaic CCD camera using two NSF telescopes at Kitt
Peak National Observatory. The Moon is superimposed on a separate image of the
sky. Credit: NOAO/AURA/NSF.
berfikir Bumi sebenarnya mungkin mempunyai 2 bulan. 1 ialah bahawa lampu
malam waxing dan menyusut kita semua tahu dan cinta, manakala yang lain adalah
asteroid kecil, tidak lebih besar daripada kereta pintar, membuat donat besar
di seluruh Bumi untuk sementara waktu sebelum zipping ke dalam jarak.
Berdasarkan bilangan dan pengedaran asteroid dalam sistem suria, penyelidik
menganggarkan bahawa perlu ada sekurang-kurangnya 1 batu ruang
sekurang-kurangnya 1 meter (3.3 kaki) Bumi luas mengorbit pada bila-bila masa
tertentu. Mereka tidak sentiasa batu yang sama, tetapi cast yang sentiasa
berubah-ubah "bulan-bulan sementara."
model teori saintis, graviti planet kita menangkap asteroid ini sebagai mereka
lulus dekat dengan kami dalam perjalanan mereka mengelilingi matahari. Apabila
seseorang itu dikeluarkan dalam, ia biasanya membuat tiga tidak tetap berbentuk
buaian mengelilingi Bumi - melekat dengan kami selama kira-kira sembilan bulan
sebelum hurtling dalam perjalanan.
asteroid yang sementara ditangkap sukar dikesan - terlalu kecil apabila mereka
sedang mengorbit jauh dan terlalu cepat dan kabur apabila mereka mengayun
berdekatan - jadi kita tidak boleh pasti mereka berada di situ. Jika kaji
selidik langit masa depan membuktikan kita benar-benar mempunyai bulan ke-2,
maka banyak saintis fikir kita perlu membina sebuah kapal angkasa untuk pergi
mendapatkan dan membawa kembali ke Bumi.
atas: 1 imej dipertingkatkan Bulan yang diambil dengan kamera NOAO CCD Musa
menggunakan 2 teleskop NSF di Kitt Peak National Observatory. Bulan itu
diletakkan di atas imej yang berasingan langit. Kredit: NOAO/AURA/NSF.
(Source: Life's Little Mysteries. Edited).
How the 'Supermoon' Looks
A supermoon
is a spectacular sight in which the full moon of a given month occurs
at the same time the moon is at perigee - the point in its orbit that brings it
closest to Earth. During these events, the moon can appear up to 30 percent
brighter and 14 percent bigger to skywatchers on Earth. See how the supermoon,
or "perigee moon," works in the infographic.
merupakan pemandangan yang menakjubkan di mana bulan penuh bulan yang diberikan
berlaku pada masa yang sama bulan di perigee - titik di dalam orbitnya yang
membawa ia paling dekat dengan Bumi. Semasa peristiwa ini, bulan boleh muncul
sehingga 30 peratus lebih cerah dan 14 peratus lebih besar untuk skywatchers di
Bumi. Melihat bagaimana supermoon, atau "bulan perigee," bekerja di
- 'Supermoon'
Science: Why Saturday's Full Moon is Biggest of 2012
- 5
Moon Mysteries to Ponder During Saturday's Supermoon
- Amazing
Supermoon Photos from 2011
- Moon
Master: An Easy Quiz for Lunatics
- Saturday's
'Supermoon' Won't Destroy Earth
- Why
the 'Supermoon' Will Look Largest Near the Horizon
Edited. Top image added)
VIDEO: NATO, CIA, Mossad Cuba Merosakkan Syria & Timur Tengah
The following is a video compilation of reports from various alternative media journalists about the real goings-on in Syria. We can see clearly who are the real terrorists in Syria and on this planet.
This is a real life example of foreign (read western) forces subverting another less powerful sovereign nation (read Syria) through covert means, aided by treacherous local groups, among others. It has already occurred in Libya and now they are doing the same thing to Syria. Now transpose that to what has happened recently in our country (read Bersih) and try to connect the dots. And it has no connection to democracy, free and fair election, etc. Did the so-called "democratic" western coalition bring democracy, or even a semblance of it, to the targeted Muslim nations? We all know the answer to that. We may suffer the same fate if we are not careful.
Berikut adalah himpunan video laporan dari pelbagai media alternatif wartawan mengenai sebenar kejadian yg aneh di Syria. Kita dapat melihat dengan jelas yang adalah pengganas sebenar di Syria dan di atas planet ini. Ini adalah contoh kehidupan sebenar asing (baca barat) daya yang cuba 1 lagi negara yang kurang berkuasa berdaulat (baca Syria) melalui cara rahsia, dibantu oleh kumpulan-kumpulan tempatan khianat, antara lain. Ia telah berlaku di Libya dan sekarang mereka melakukan perkara yang sama ke Syria. Sekarang alihan bahawa apa yang telah berlaku baru-baru ini di negara kita (baca Bersih) dan cuba untuk menyambung titik. Dan ia mempunyai tidak berkaitan dengan demokrasi, pilihan raya bebas dan adil, dan sebagainya. Adakah apa yang dikenali sebagai "demokrasi" pakatan barat membawa demokrasi, atau bahkan mustahak, negara-negara Islam yang disasarkan? Kita semua tahu jawapan itu. Kita boleh mengalami nasib yang sama jika kita tidak berhati-hati . . .
LiquidMetal iPhone
With reports of the upcoming iPhone running rampant, one talented designer decided to show us what a LiquidMetal iPhone might look like. The result is this spectacular rendering, depicting the new iPhone with a larger widescreen, virtual home button and that weird new metal with its otherworldly characteristics.
To enjoy the full complement of pics from all angles, take a look at the full LiquidMetal iPhone gallery of this beautiful concept, which might be surprisingly close to the actual iPhone's appearance when it's delivered to its fanatical customers.
Dengan laporan iPhone akan datang berlari berleluasa, salah seorang pereka berbakat memutuskan untuk menunjukkan kepada kita betapa iPhone LiquidMetal mungkin kelihatan seperti. Keputusan ini terjemahan menakjubkan, menggambarkan iPhone baru dengan yang lebih besar skrin lebar, rumah butang maya dan bahawa logam baru yang aneh dengan ciri-ciri rohani.
Untuk menikmati lengkap Foto dari semua sudut, mengambil lihat galeri iPhone penuh LiquidMetal konsep ini indah, yang mungkin akan mengejutkan dekat dengan kemunculan iPhone sebenar apabila ia dihantar kepada pelanggan fanatik.
Livestream Broadcaster
It's never been easier to broadcast a live stream of video from remote locations, especially since Livestream Broadcaster burst on the scene this week. It's a complete US$495 system that revolves around a box that you attach to a camcorder, letting you stream HD video live to the web via Wi-Fi, 3G or 4G.
Looks like a quick and easy way to get live professional-quality 720p video online. No small feat, considering that other live broadcasting kits could run you more than US$5,000 - and even that is surprisingly cheap, doing something that would have been considered a miracle 10 years ago. (More information)
Ia tidak pernah menjadi semudah untuk menyiarkan aliran video secara langsung dari lokasi terpencil, terutama sejak Penyiar Livestream meletup di tempat kejadian minggu ini. Ia adalah 1 sistem yang lengkap US $ 495 yang berkisar sebuah kotak yang anda lampirkan pada camcorder, membiarkan anda stream video HD hidup kepada web melalui Wi-Fi, 3G atau 4G. Kelihatan seperti cara yang cepat dan mudah untuk mendapatkan hidup profesional-video dalam talian yang berkualiti 720p. Tiada pencapaian kecil, memandangkan bahawa kit penyiaran hidup lain dapat menjalankan kamu lebih daripada AS $ 5,000 - dan malah yang menghairankan murah, melakukan sesuatu yang telah dianggap keajaiban 10 tahun lalu.
Wish U Were here babe . . .
Message: Wish.You.Were.Here ~ Pink.Floyd.1WORLD human Right Community Sharing 2012. Pink Floyd merupakan sebuah band rock Inggeris yang mencapai kejayaan antarabangsa dengan muzik rock progresif dan Psychedelic mereka ditandakan oleh penggunaan lyrics falsafah, eksperimen-eksperiman sonik, dan huraikan menunjukkan hidup. Salah satu kumpulan rock yang paling komersil yang berjaya dan berpengaruh dalam sejarah muzik popular, mereka telah menjual lebih 200 juta album di seluruh dunia, termasuk 74. 5 juta unit yang disahkan di Amerika Syarikat. (Pink Floyd were an English rock band that achieved international success with their progressive and psychedelic rock music marked by the use of philosophical lyrics, sonic experimentation, and elaborate live shows. One of the most commercially successful and influential rock groups in the history of popular music, they have sold over 200 million albums worldwide, including 74. 5 million certified units in the United States). layan bebe 'Have a nice day n Enjoy the Music!!! Time Of video: 04:59 . . . the video explains the rest.
Wish U Were here . . .
Dedicated to all the AMAZING Egyptian men and women behind the peaceful protests. Many thanks to Channel 4 News, PBS, Daily News Egypt, CBS, Al Masry Al Youm, Al Jazeera, HBO, Newsweek, Russia Today, Associated Press and IBN for the footage. Songwriters: Kanye West, Malik Jones, Dexter Mills, Jeff Bhasker, Jay Jenkins Producers: Kanye West, Jeff Bhasker Recorders: Andrew Dawson, Anthony Kilhoffer Keyboards: Jeff Bhasker. Background vocals: Mr Hudson, Tony Williams Mix engineer: Manny Marroquin Assistant engineers: Christian Plata, Erik Madrid Artist: Kanye West. Time Of video: 04:03
'Don't let yourself by the Train'
AMARAN: video ini mengandungi adegan bahawa sesetengah penonton mungkin di dapati sangat meresahkan. Budi bicara penonton yang waras dinasihatkan. Apabila anda melihat kemarahan manifesting diri mereka di depan mata anda sendiri, maka tidak mengabaikan sebab mengapa kita telah dimaklumkan tentang mereka. Masa kita sedang berjalan dan kita terperangkap dalam kehidupan DUNIAWI, wahai insan insaflah kita mengabaikan akan menyembah Allah Subhanahuwa Ta’ala, sebelum terlambat!
WARNING: This video contains scenes that some viewers may find upsetting. Sensible viewer discretion is advised. When you see these Signs manifesting themselves in front of your very own eyes, then dont ignore the reason why we have been informed about them . . . our time is running out and we are trapped in our mundane lives ignoring the immense honour of worshipping God Almighty ‘Allah Subhanahuwa Ta’ala’ before it's too late! Time Of video: 10:00. The video explains the rest . . .
Remember: "Don't let yourself left by the Train"
Our Responsibility @GOLDMINE 1WORLD Community Should Render Back the trusts to those to Whom they Due: (@18 Group Of people) Poor People, Orphan, Single Mother, Single Father, Student, Low In Come, Jobless, Disable, Patient, Old Citizen, Prisoner, Bankruptcy, FARMER, Fishermen, RICH People, All RACES, All Country And All Government In theWhole WORLD. theWORLD for free! New WORLD Principle: ASSETProperty "It's NOT For SALE, It's Not For Bought, It's FREE!: *Free House *Free Car * Free Education: College, University. *Free ELETRICAL GOODs: Air Con, PC Laptops, Home Theatre. *Free FURNITURE: Sofa Set, Bed Set, Sauna Bath, Kitchen Cabinet, Dining Table. *Free Vacation: Travelling Around the WORLD, Holiday, HAJ, UMRAH, NOW EveryONE CAN Fly, Hotels. *Free Life Insurance: (Free Hospital Fund, Free Funeral Fund, Free Death Fund, Free Pension Fund).