Diriwayatkan oleh Anas Radhi'Allahu Anhu, Mengatakan bahawa Rasulullah Salla 'Allahu Alayhi was Sallam bersabda: "Janganlah kalian saling memboikot, janganlah saling membelakangi, janganlah saling membenci, janganlah saling iri hati, tapi jadilah hamba-hamba Allah Subhanahuwa Ta’ala yang bersaudara. Dan tidak lah halal bagi seorang yang beragama islam (muslim) untuk bersikap diam (tidak saling bertanya) tentang saudaranya lebih dari 3 hari" (Diriwayatkan oleh Muslim dan Tirmidzi, serta disahihkan oleh At ‘Tirmidzi)
Cc1WC'sNEWS: Incredible Crepuscular
Rays - Sunbeams Caught on Camera
Sunbeams are everywhere - yet
when they are caught on camera they are often unwanted additions to a
photograph. They cut swathes through the picture, chopping off heads and obscuring
detail in a burst of light. However, when they are deliberately captured the
results can be nothing short of magical.
Sunbeams have a
rather more scientific name – and that is crepuscular rays. This is because of
the time of day at which they are most likely to occur – those around dawn and
dusk. In photography these times are often referred to as ‘The Golden Hour’.
Patrick’s Point
State Park is located in the heart of the redwood country of California in the
US. It is home to a huge variety of tree species and is famous for its hiking
trails and sandy beaches. This amazing picture was taken there and captures
perfectly the peace and majesty of that which we take so much for granted – a
tree. The crepuscular rays are perfectly caught as they stream through the
branches – and it is the object of the tree itself that makes this vision
possible. Crepuscular rays are only visible because the columns of which they
are made are separated by areas of darkness – in this case the tall and elegant
tree in the picture.
Golden Gate Park
(again in California) never looked so ethereal as in this picture, which
unsurprisingly has been a finalist in photographic competitions. The rays make
the place seem so peaceful – rather than eery and the contrast between the dark
and light if superbly done. It almost seems part of a dreamscape rather than an
actual photograph. Quite simply a stunning picture which should be used in
tourist brochures for the wonderful city of San Francisco. A trick of the light
means that crepuscular rays, which are near parallel, seem to diverge. This is
because of something called linear perspective. With this objects seem smaller
as their distance from you increases and so it is with sunbeams. It also occurs
because of reflection and scattering.
The winter sunshine
beams through the high windows of a mill in Baltimore, Maryland. Although one
would normally associate crepuscular rays with natural surroundings, man made
object such as this workspace, when the sun is at the right height can be endowed
with an almost cinematic atmosphere. You can just imagine a movie star such as
Mel Gibson or Clint Eastwood walking on to this ‘set’ to deliver another prize
winning role. Here, the airborne dust in the workshop has scattered the
sunlight and made the rays visible to the human eye. This is due to something
called diffraction. Although diffraction happens with many objects, the single
most colorful example is light. It is the same effect that you get when you
look at the tracks on a DVD and you see a rainbow pattern.
This marvellous
picture is entitled ‘God talking to some cow’ and it is easy to see why
sunbeams have been associated with the divine throughout human history. In fact
some of their alternative names refer directly to deity. They are often
referred to by religious people as the stairway or gateway to heaven and it is
not without the most atheistically inclined imagination to picture this. They
are also called Jacob’s Ladder by many – which is a method of getting in and
out of heaven described in the biblical Book of Genesis – imagined by Jacob
when he flees from his brother Esau.
Stephens Gap Cave
in Alabama gives the photographer an opportunity to capture some immense
crepuscular rays. If you look carefully down at the bottom of the sunbeams you
will see a solitary caver, dwarfed by the immensity of his surroundings.
The Rocky Mountain
National Parks offers spectacular views at the best of times. Here is something
quite astonishing that does not happen every five minutes. After a day’s
hiking, the photographer Adam Baker noticed that a thunderstorm was coming and
it was coming in quickly. He considered that he would get some interesting
pictures out of this atmosphere and was taking pictures of the alpenglow on the
mountains to the East. He turned around and saw this – some of the most amazing
beams you will ever see. These beams lasted about five minutes and only
disappeared once the rain started to come down.
Many photographers
will hang around for hours for the right light, as did the person who took this
incredible image of an abandoned building in downtown Detroit. The sadness of
the abandoned building is juxtaposed by the emerging rays of the dawn sun. The
real impact of this scene comes because of the contrast between light and dark
– also known as chiaroscuro . It just goes to show that something which many
would consider completely uninteresting – in this case a fading and derelict
office – can become a thing of beauty.
Trees do seem to
capture sunbeams particularly well. (Pokok sememangnya cenderung untuk menangkap
Sunbeams terutamanya keadaan baik).
The architects of
many religious buildings have exploited the beams of the sun in order to
heighten the religious experience of those who worship in them.
It comes as little
surprise that another of their many alternative names is ‘fingers of god’.
Sunbeams are more often than not yellow or red because of the path through the
atmosphere at dawn and dusk has as much as forty times more air as those at
midday. This effect in the Basilica of Saint Peter in Rome is, however, much
later in the day than we would expect and very much part of the architect’s
plan – as such they could almost be called ‘engineered’ sun beams.
photography can also be enhanced by the correct positioning of a subject in the
path of sunbeams. This shot was taken in an empty charcoal warehouse in
Singapore as part of an outing of a photographic society. It’s quite lovely.
However, for many, sunbeams will always be associated with the wonders of
The ancient Greeks
thought that sunbeams were what the gods used to draw their drinking water up
to Mount Olympus. They have also been called ‘backstays of the sun’ as the
backstays bracing a mast come together like sunbeams. Perhaps the best name of
all for crepuscular rays comes from New Zealand. The Maoris call them the Roped
of Maui – for perhaps the best reason. Maui, from their legends, used sunbeams
to restrain the sun and so make the day longer.
Top image: Morning mist, Yarra
Valley, Victoria, Australia. Image credit: Steve Lacey
(Source: Kuriositas.
VIDEO: NATO, CIA, Mossad Cuba Merosakkan Syria & Timur Tengah
The following is a video compilation of reports from various alternative media journalists about the real goings-on in Syria. We can see clearly who are the real terrorists in Syria and on this planet.
This is a real life example of foreign (read western) forces subverting another less powerful sovereign nation (read Syria) through covert means, aided by treacherous local groups, among others. It has already occurred in Libya and now they are doing the same thing to Syria. Now transpose that to what has happened recently in our country (read Bersih) and try to connect the dots. And it has no connection to democracy, free and fair election, etc. Did the so-called "democratic" western coalition bring democracy, or even a semblance of it, to the targeted Muslim nations? We all know the answer to that. We may suffer the same fate if we are not careful.
Berikut adalah himpunan video laporan dari pelbagai media alternatif wartawan mengenai sebenar kejadian yg aneh di Syria. Kita dapat melihat dengan jelas yang adalah pengganas sebenar di Syria dan di atas planet ini. Ini adalah contoh kehidupan sebenar asing (baca barat) daya yang cuba 1 lagi negara yang kurang berkuasa berdaulat (baca Syria) melalui cara rahsia, dibantu oleh kumpulan-kumpulan tempatan khianat, antara lain. Ia telah berlaku di Libya dan sekarang mereka melakukan perkara yang sama ke Syria. Sekarang alihan bahawa apa yang telah berlaku baru-baru ini di negara kita (baca Bersih) dan cuba untuk menyambung titik. Dan ia mempunyai tidak berkaitan dengan demokrasi, pilihan raya bebas dan adil, dan sebagainya. Adakah apa yang dikenali sebagai "demokrasi" pakatan barat membawa demokrasi, atau bahkan mustahak, negara-negara Islam yang disasarkan? Kita semua tahu jawapan itu. Kita boleh mengalami nasib yang sama jika kita tidak berhati-hati . . .
LiquidMetal iPhone
With reports of the upcoming iPhone running rampant, one talented designer decided to show us what a LiquidMetal iPhone might look like. The result is this spectacular rendering, depicting the new iPhone with a larger widescreen, virtual home button and that weird new metal with its otherworldly characteristics.
To enjoy the full complement of pics from all angles, take a look at the full LiquidMetal iPhone gallery of this beautiful concept, which might be surprisingly close to the actual iPhone's appearance when it's delivered to its fanatical customers.
Dengan laporan iPhone akan datang berlari berleluasa, salah seorang pereka berbakat memutuskan untuk menunjukkan kepada kita betapa iPhone LiquidMetal mungkin kelihatan seperti. Keputusan ini terjemahan menakjubkan, menggambarkan iPhone baru dengan yang lebih besar skrin lebar, rumah butang maya dan bahawa logam baru yang aneh dengan ciri-ciri rohani.
Untuk menikmati lengkap Foto dari semua sudut, mengambil lihat galeri iPhone penuh LiquidMetal konsep ini indah, yang mungkin akan mengejutkan dekat dengan kemunculan iPhone sebenar apabila ia dihantar kepada pelanggan fanatik.
Livestream Broadcaster
It's never been easier to broadcast a live stream of video from remote locations, especially since Livestream Broadcaster burst on the scene this week. It's a complete US$495 system that revolves around a box that you attach to a camcorder, letting you stream HD video live to the web via Wi-Fi, 3G or 4G.
Looks like a quick and easy way to get live professional-quality 720p video online. No small feat, considering that other live broadcasting kits could run you more than US$5,000 - and even that is surprisingly cheap, doing something that would have been considered a miracle 10 years ago. (More information)
Ia tidak pernah menjadi semudah untuk menyiarkan aliran video secara langsung dari lokasi terpencil, terutama sejak Penyiar Livestream meletup di tempat kejadian minggu ini. Ia adalah 1 sistem yang lengkap US $ 495 yang berkisar sebuah kotak yang anda lampirkan pada camcorder, membiarkan anda stream video HD hidup kepada web melalui Wi-Fi, 3G atau 4G. Kelihatan seperti cara yang cepat dan mudah untuk mendapatkan hidup profesional-video dalam talian yang berkualiti 720p. Tiada pencapaian kecil, memandangkan bahawa kit penyiaran hidup lain dapat menjalankan kamu lebih daripada AS $ 5,000 - dan malah yang menghairankan murah, melakukan sesuatu yang telah dianggap keajaiban 10 tahun lalu.
Remember: "Don't let yourself left by the Train"
Our Responsibility @GOLDMINE 1WORLD Community Should Render Back the trusts to those to Whom they Due: (@18 Group Of people) Poor People, Orphan, Single Mother, Single Father, Student, Low In Come, Jobless, Disable, Patient, Old Citizen, Prisoner, Bankruptcy, FARMER, Fishermen, RICH People, All RACES, All Country And All Government In theWhole WORLD. theWORLD for free! New WORLD Principle: ASSETProperty "It's NOT For SALE, It's Not For Bought, It's FREE!: *Free House *Free Car * Free Education: College, University. *Free ELETRICAL GOODs: Air Con, PC Laptops, Home Theatre. *Free FURNITURE: Sofa Set, Bed Set, Sauna Bath, Kitchen Cabinet, Dining Table. *Free Vacation: Travelling Around the WORLD, Holiday, HAJ, UMRAH, NOW EveryONE CAN Fly, Hotels. *Free Life Insurance: (Free Hospital Fund, Free Funeral Fund, Free Death Fund, Free Pension Fund).