NUBuAT the Prophet Of God Rasulullah Salla‘Allahu Alayhi was Sallam (peace and blessings Of God be on him) (Huru-hara DUNIA bukan Kiamat: Ramadan to/hingga Syawal)!!! Friday 15 Ramadan 1433 or 2012 Saturday 3 August (Today: Sunday, 09, September 2012 NUBuATAN over than 38 Day. I’m Telling YOU. I Give You An Example Maturity: Like Ourself we Born then we Die when Old age, so same things with the System, The market, the systems, the economic are dead, cannot produce how hard you do it. It’s over, don’t waste your TIME! The WORLD Old Enough and Time’s Up! REMINDER: We are living in a time when the Corrupt are displayed as the Wise People & Wise People as the Corrupt. When The Rich get Richer and the Poor stay Poor. With this Message I will attempt explain one Of the Signs from God & The Mystery Surrounding us. We don't know exact time Of the HOUR, (Only God Knows). However, we do know some Of the Sign. Read Carefully. Think & Observe the Signs Of All Mighty God before it's too late. The HOUR is Coming, it's just a matter Of time . . . LIKE I ALWAYS SAY ITS BETTER TO PREPARE!!! Aware Yourself 2012: Do not wait for 21. December 2012. Prepare!!! Extreme Wether, Earth Changes, Mystery Universe, Wild sun, Coming disaster, march, April, may, june, july . . . . . . . August (Ramadan) . . . to . . . September (Shawwal)?!!! May God bless you all always 'Ameen
Mesyuarat 'Pemimpin Ekonomi APEC' . . .
TINJAUAN 1WC'sChannel 2012: Mesyuarat 'Pemimpin Ekonomi APEC' Putin Vladimir membuka sesi pertama kerja Mesyuarat Pemimpin Ekonomi APEC di Vladivostok. (1WC’sChannel REVIEW 2012: ‘APEC Economic Leaders' Meeting’ Vladimir Putin opened the first working session of the APEC Economic Leaders' Meeting in Vladivostok). (M’sian 22 Syawal. September 9, 2012)
Putin Alamat 'Perniagaan APEC Summit Sesi Plenari' (Putin Addresses ‘APEC Business Summit Plenary Session)’ (M’sian 22 Syawal. September 9, 2012)
Presiden Rusia Vladimir Putin mengadakan sambutan rasmi penghargaan pemimpin ekonomi APEC dan isteri-isteri mereka pada hari Sabtu . . .
Presiden Rusia Vladimir Putin mengadakan sambutan rasmi penghargaan pemimpin ekonomi APEC dan isteri-isteri mereka pada hari Sabtu. Peristiwa itu berlaku di Timur Jauh Rusia bandar Vladivostok, di mana pemimpin telah bertemu bagi sidang kemuncak Kerjasama Ekonomi Asia-Pasifik. Putin mepanggil pada mereka yang hadir di kaunter penyambut tetamu untuk terus mempertahankan idea liberalisasi perdagangan dan untuk membangunkan proses integrasi di rantau Asia Pasifik. (Russian President Vladimir Putin held an official reception in honor of APEC economies' leaders and their spouses on Saturday. The event took place in the Russian Far Eastern city of Vladivostok, where the leaders have been meeting for the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation summit. Putin called on those present at the reception to continue to defend the idea of trade liberalization and to develop integration processes in the Asia-Pacific region).’
Lokasi/Location: Vladivostok, Russia
(September 08, 2012)
- Video dari RIA Novosti (Video from RIA Novosti)
Video dari Agensi Rusia Berita Antarabangsa (Видео с Российское агентство международных новостей)
Penerimaan itu diikuti oleh pertunjukan bunga api di jeti pusat. (The reception was followed by a fireworks display on the central quay).
2. Vladimir Putin, Presiden Rusia (bercakap Rusia) (Vladimir Putin, Russia's president (speaking Russian):
"Kami, dan pada dasarnya semua pakar-pakar di DUNIA, percaya hari ini bahawa rantau Asia Pasifik adalah daya penggerak ekonomi global, dan ini menggalakkan kita untuk menggalakkan kerjasama kami dengan rantau utama di DUNIA ini. (We, and basically all of the WORLD's experts, believe today that the Asia-Pacific region is the driving force of the global economy, and this encourages us to promote our cooperation with this key region of the WORLD).
Kami berhasrat untuk berdiri dengan idea-idea meliberalisasikan perdagangan dan membangunkan integrasi ekonomi serantau. (We intend to stand by the ideas of liberalizing trade and developing regional economic integration).
Pencapaian utama APEC adalah bahawa ia menyediakan platform untuk perbincangan yang bebas dan bekerja daripada penyelesaian yang akan memastikan pertumbuhan mampan ekonomi dan kesejahteraan negara kita. Menyokong pembangunan dialog sedemikian adalah tepat objektif Rusia telah ditetapkan untuk diri sendiri" (APEC's key achievement is that it provides a platform for free discussion and working out solutions that would ensure sustainable growth of our economies and wellbeing of our nations. Supporting development of such a dialogue is exactly the objective Russia had set for itself). 00:55 -- 01:42
Presiden Rusia Vladimir Putin ‘Terbang dengan Burung! | Mesti tonton | rakaman video LENGKAP (Russian President Vladimir Putin ‘Flies with the Birds! | Must Watch | FULL VIDEO FOOTAGE)’ . . .
Lokasi/Location: Salekhard, Russia
(September 05, 2012)
- Video dari RIA Novosti (Video from RIA Novosti)
Video dari Agensi Rusia Berita Antarabangsa (Видео с Российское агентство международных новостей)
Presiden Vladimir Putin mengambil bahagian dalam ekspedisi di rantau Yamal utara Rusia pada Rabu untuk menyelamatkan jarang kren Siberia putih. (President Vladimir Putin took part in an expedition in north Russia's Yamal region on Wednesday to save rare Siberian white cranes).
Burung, yang telah dibangunkan dalam kurungan, tidak belajar bagaimana untuk berhijrah selatan, dan sedang diarahkan oleh pasukan pemuliharaan (The birds, which were raised in captivity, have not learned how to migrate south, and are being directed by a team of conservationists).
1. Pelbagai kren pada daratan (Various of cranes on ground) 00:00 - 00:21
2. Pelbagai Putin melengkapkan, menyediakan gear (Various of Putin equipping, preparing gear) 00:21 - 02:09
3. Pelbagai Putin mengambil kira (Various of Putin taking off) 02:09 - 02:51
4. Pelbagai Putin terbang dengan kren (Various of Putin flying with cranes) 02:51 - 06:03
2. Pelbagai Putin melengkapkan, menyediakan gear (Various of Putin equipping, preparing gear) 00:21 - 02:09
3. Pelbagai Putin mengambil kira (Various of Putin taking off) 02:09 - 02:51
4. Pelbagai Putin terbang dengan kren (Various of Putin flying with cranes) 02:51 - 06:03
APEC Economic Leaders' Meeting
Putin Addresses APEC Business Summit Plenary Session