Friday, 4 May 2012

humanRight1Wc's: '800,000 kids bearing brunt Of Gaza blockade'

Firman Allah Taala: 'Telah timbul berbagai kerosakan dan bala bencana di darat dan di laut dengan sebab apa yang telah dilakukan oleh tangan manusia; (timbulnya yang demikian) kerana Allah hendak merasakan mereka sebahagian dari balasan perbuatan-perbuatan buruk yang mereka telah lakukan, supaya mereka kembali (insaf dan bertaubat)'. (Surah 30 'Ar 'Rum: 41) (God Almighty says in the Holy Quran: Corruption has appeared throughout the land and sea by (reason of) what the hands of people have earned so He may let them taste part of (the consequence of) what they have done that perhaps they will return (to righteousness)'.  (QS30: 41)

humanRight1Wc’s: ‘800,000 Anak-anak Menanggung beban Sekatan Gaza’
By kz1Kizi's ♥ Malaysian TIME. Friday, May, 4, 2012

Manakala bickers seluruh dunia hak dan salah sekatan Israel ke atas Gaza, ratusan ribu kanak-kanak terus menanggung beban.

Save the Children mengatakan 800,000 kanak-kanak termasuk di kalangan penduduk 1. 5 juta di Gaza, bilangan yang disokong oleh UNICEF.

CIA sebenarnya mencatatkan umur median penduduk keseluruhan pada hanya 17, 5 tahun. 44% berkata daripada penduduk di bawah 14.

"Beribu-ribu keluarga masih hidup di tengah-tengah runtuhan dan runtuh infrastruktur akibat sekatan bahawa semua bar tetapi bekalan terhad barang keperluan kemanusiaan. Hanya 41 trak penuh bahan-bahan pembinaan (0.05 peratus aliran pra-sekatan) telah dibenarkan masuk sejak Gaza perang, "kata UNICEF.

"Sepanjang Wilayah Diduduki Palestin hampir 12,000 kanak-kanak di bawah 5 tahun mati daripada penyebab-penyebab yang boleh dicegah setiap tahun, sebagai tidak lebih daripada 1,800 kanak-kanak berusia di bawah 12 bulan," UNICEF berkata dalam satu kenyataan di laman webnya. "Dua pertiga isi rumah tidak disambung ke rangkaian kumbahan, bermakna air dilepaskan ke persekitaran sebahagian atau sama sekali tidak dirawat. Sistem pendidikan telah mengalami dengan hasil pembelajaran yang menjunam untuk 2 tahun yang lalu."

Pertubuhan Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu (PBB) telah mengkritik sekatan mengatakan ia melanggar artikel 33 (larangan ke atas hukuman kolektif) dan 55 (kewajipan untuk menyediakan makanan dan penjagaan kesihatan kepada penduduk yang diduduki) Konvensyen Geneva Keempat. Richard Falk, Pelapor Khas PBB mengenai keadaan hak asasi manusia di wilayah-wilayah Palestin, kata Gaza telah dibawa ke ambang keruntuhan.

Pendidikan anak-anak Gazan teruk terganggu oleh Perang Gaza. UNICEF berkata kira-kira 280 sekolah telah rosak atau musnah, bersama-sama dengan air kritikal dan infrastruktur sanitasi dan hampir separuh daripada semua kemudahan kesihatan.

Program Pembangunan Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu laporan yang diterbitkan bulan lalu berkata, 3 perempat daripada kerosakan yang dilakukan ke atas Gaza semasa perang kekal unrepaired and unreconstructed. Laporan itu menyatakan 82,50% daripada kemudahan pendidikan yang rosak atau musnah semasa konflik tersebut belum dibaiki atau dibina semula.

Walaupun Israel biasanya keluar sebagai negara yang telah mengenakan sekatan ke atas Gaza, Mesir juga berkongsi beberapa tanggungjawab. "Mesir tanggungjawab saham untuk hukuman kolektif penduduk awam Gaza kerana penutupan sendiri sempadan selatan Gaza," kata seorang Human Rights Watch laporan yang diterbitkan bulan lalu berkata. "Kecuali dalam keadaan terhad, Mesir enggan membenarkan laluan barang atau orang melalui sempadan menyeberangi ia mengawal di Rafah."

Human Rights Watch adalah salah satu daripada beberapa organisasi tempatan dan antarabangsa di tempat kerja kemanusiaan di Gaza. Simpan Kanak-kanak, sebuah organisasi bantuan kemanusiaan bebas yang banyak terlibat, juga bekerja di Israel, sebagai organisasi lain.

Save the Children, mengasaskan hampir 90 tahun yang lalu, adalah lebih fokus daripada yang lain kepada kanak-kanak dan dikreditkan dengan membantu berjuta-juta kanak-kanak yang memerlukan di lebih daripada 120 buah negara. Organisasi mengatakan ia membenci keganasan dari segala jenis, termasuk serangan ke atas keluarga Israel. "Kerja kami untuk membantu anak-anak di Gaza tidak bermakna kita menyokong keganasan," kata satu kenyataan di laman webnya.

"Kami percaya kami mempunyai tanggungjawab untuk membantu kanak-kanak sangat memerlukan tanpa mengira bangsa, agama atau politik. Di Timur Tengah, di mana kita telah bekerja sejak 1953, kami telah berusaha untuk membantu kanak-kanak di seluruh rantau itu termasuk kanak-kanak di Israel, di mana kita masih bekerja, "Simpan kenyataan ‘Kanak-kanak berkata’.






Read here 800,000 children Of Gaza

humanRight1Wc's: '800,000 kids bearing brunt Of Gaza blockade'   

While the world bickers over the rights and wrongs of the Israeli blockade on Gaza, hundreds of thousands of children continue to bear the brunt of it.

Save the Children says 800,000 children are included among the population of 1.5 million in Gaza, a number supported by UNICEF.

"Thousands of families are still living amid rubble and crumbling infrastructure due to the blockade that bars everything but limited supplies of essential humanitarian goods. Only 41 truckloads of construction materials (0.05 per cent of pre-blockade flows) have been permitted entry since the Gaza War," says UNICEF.

"Throughout the Occupied Palestinian Territories almost 12,000 children under five years old still die from preventable causes each year, as do more than 1,800 children under 12 months old," UNICEF said in a statement on its Web site. "Two thirds of households are not connected to a sewage network, meaning water is discharged into the environment partially or totally untreated. The education system has suffered with learning outcomes plummeting for the past two years."

The United Nations has been critical of the blockade saying it violates articles 33 (prohibition on collective punishment) and 55 (duty to provide food and health care to the occupied population) of the Fourth Geneva Convention. Richard Falk, the UN Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Palestinian territories, says Gaza has been brought to the brink of collapse.

Education of Gazan kids was severely disrupted by the Gaza War. UNICEF says some 280 schools were damaged or destroyed, along with critical water and sanitation infrastructure and almost half of all health facilities.

A United Nations Development Program report published last month says three-quarters of the damage inflicted on Gaza during the war remains unrepaired and unreconstructed. The report says 82.50% of the education facilities damaged or destroyed during the conflict are yet to be repaired or reconstructed.

While Israel is usually singled-out as the country that has imposed the blockade on Gaza, Egypt also shares some responsibility. "Egypt shares responsibility for the collective punishment of Gaza's civilian population due to its own closure of Gaza's southern border," a Human Rights Watch report published last month says. "Except in limited circumstances, Egypt refuses to allow the passage of goods or people through the border crossing it controls at Rafah."

Human Rights Watch is one of a number of local and international humanitarian organizations at work in Gaza. Save the Children, an independent humanitarian aid organisation which is heavily involved, is also working in Israel, as are other organizations.

Save the Children, founded nearly ninety years ago, is more focused than others on children and is credited with assisting millions of children in need in more than 120 countries. The organization says it abhors terrorism of all kinds, including attacks on Israeli families. "Our work to assist children in Gaza in no way means we support terrorism," a statement on its Web site says.

"We believe we have an obligation to assist children in great need regardless of race, religion or politics. In the Middle East, where we have worked since 1953, we have sought to assist children throughout the region including children in Israel, where we still work," the Save the Children statement said.

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