ADtv - Wartawan
video Ruptly RT datang di bawah tembakan sebagai kereta mereka disasarkan
berhampiran bandar Kramatorsk, di timur Ukraine. Tembakan itu datang daripada 2
buah APC, kata krew.
pengeluar Ruptly ini, wartawan pun dalam perjalanan ke bandar Dmitrovka, beberapa
30 kilometer dari Slavyansk. Kerana kira-kira mereka 10 kilometer dari
destinasi terakhir, Kiev APC "datang entah dari mana" dan "melepaskan
tembakan tanpa alasan yang jelas."
yang lain TV rangkaian Rusia, Channel 5, juga di dalam kereta yang sama.
Bernasib baik, peluru tidak terkena kenderaan itu, pasukan Ruptly berkata.
selepas pemeriksaan, kereta kami tidak terkena peluru. Ia mendapat dipecahkan
kerana giliran cepat keluar jalan ketika mereka telah menembak.
saja 2 hari yang lalu, pejuang Kiev melepaskan tembakan ke atas wartawan
daripada saluran LifeNews Rusia di kawasan yang sama.
memandu di dalam kereta dengan pelekat 'TV ', menunjukkan status akhbar kami.
Pertama terdapat satu pukulan dan kemudian tembakan mesingan," wartawan
Oleg Sidyakin memberitahu RT pada masa itu.
yang melibatkan krew Ruptly datang kurang daripada seminggu selepas video
wartawan lain agensi RT ini, Fyodor Zavaleykov, 23, telah ditembak di bandar di
Pada 9
Mei, Zavaleykov telah penggambaran serangan bersenjata oleh tentera Kiev di Ibu
Pejabat Polis tempatan, apabila peluru mengenanya melalui terletak hak ini.
Mengalami kecederaan perut yang serius, wartawan itu dirawat di Ukraine dan
diangkut ke Moscow untuk rawatan lanjut pada hari Isnin.
Katica Djurovic @zoontangmarg
Still hot . . .
APCs open fire at RT's video agency
crew near Kramatorsk . . .
RT's Ruptly
video journalists came under fire as their car was targeted near the city of
Kramatorsk, in eastern Ukraine. The shooting came from two APCs, the crew said.
to Ruptly’s producer, the journalists were en route to the town of Dmitrovka,
some 30 kilometers from Slavyansk. As they were about 10 kilometers from their
final destination, Kiev’s APCs “came out of nowhere” and “opened fire for no
apparent reason.”
A crew
of another Russian TV network, Channel 5, was also in the same car. Lucky, the
bullets did not hit the vehicle, Ruptly's team said.
after inspection, our car wasn't hit by bullet. It got broken due to fast turn
off the road when they were shooting.
two days ago, Kiev fighters opened fire on journalists from the Russian channel
LifeNews in the same area.
were driving in a car with 'TV' stickers, indicating our press status. First
there was one shot and then machine gun fire,” reporter Oleg Sidyakin told RT
at the time.
shooting involving the Ruptly crew comes less than a week after another RT
agency's video journalist, Fyodor Zavaleykov, 23, was shot in the city in
On May
9, Zavaleykov was filming an armed assault by Kiev’s army on the local Police
HQ, when a bullet hit him through the vest. Suffering a serious abdominal
injury, the journalist was treated in Ukraine and transported to Moscow for
further treatment on Monday.
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