Friday, 22 November 2013

Living Debt/Hutang Hidup: Peningkatan kos di United Kingdom memaksa berjuta-juta untuk meminjam . . .

GeneralKNOWLEDGE's Tq2u2 - Di UK angka-angka baru telah mendedahkan jumlah hutang peribadi di negara ini telah mencapai tinggi sepanjang masa. Kenaikan kos tenaga dan bil-bil rumah yang lain adalah menolak orang di tepi, dengan banyak walaupun menghadapi risiko kehilan-gan rumah mereka. RT, Laura Smith menyiasat.

Living Debt: Rising costs in UK forcing millions to borrow

In the UK new figures have revealed the country's total personal debt has reached an all-time high. The rising costs of energy and other household bills are pushing people over the edge, with many even facing the risk of losing their homes. RT's Laura Smith investigates.

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