Saturday, 28 April 2012

Images Menakjubkan dan dari Video Bagaimana Manusia telah Merubah BUMI

God Almighty says in the Holy Quran: Corruption has appeared throughout the land and sea by (reason of) what the hands of people have earned so He may let them taste part of (the consequence of) what they have done that perhaps they will return (to righteousness). (Firman Allah Taala: Telah timbul berbagai kerosakan dan bala bencana di darat dan di laut dengan sebab apa yang telah dilakukan oleh tangan manusia; (timbulnya yang demikian) kerana Allah hendak merasakan mereka sebahagian dari balasan perbuatan-perbuatan buruk yang mereka telah lakukan, supaya mereka kembali (insaf dan bertaubat). (QS 30: 41)

How humans have transformed Earth: Incredible video illuminates every road, shipping route and flight path 
By Rob Waugh and Ted Thornhill @1WORLDCommunity
humanRightCommunitySharing 2012

From space Earth looks completely untouched. However, it's deceptive, as a new video shows in mesmerising fashion.

(The video) 'Anthropocene' demonstrates just how much the planet has been transformed by humans by illuminating every road, shipping route and flight path.

(The Anthropocene is a recent and informal geologic chronological term that serves to mark the evidence and extent of human activities that have had a significant global impact on the Earth's ecosystems)

View the dazzling images below, then watch the video at the end.

INCREDIBLE IMAGES AND VIDEO OF HOW HUMANS HAVE TRANSFORMED EARTH(Images menakjubkan dan dari Video Bagaimana Manusia telah Merubah BUMI)

Dari angkasa Bumi kelihatan tidak terusik. Walau bagaimanapun, ia menipu, sebagai video baru menunjukkan fesyen memukau. (Video) 'Antroposen' menunjukkan betapa banyak planet ini telah berubah oleh manusia melalui menerangi setiap jalan, laluan perkapalan dan laluan penerbangan.

Antroposen adalah istilah kronologi baru-baru ini dan tidak formal geologi yang diguna-kan untuk menandakan bukti dan tahap aktiviti manusia yang mempunyai impak yang signifikan global ke atas ekosistem bumi.

Lihat imej yang mempesonakan di bawah, kemudian sila tonton video pada akhir.

Illuminating: Anthropocene is a three-minute rollercoaster ride through the latest chapter in the story of how one species has transformed a planet
Illuminating: (The video) Anthropocene is a three-minute rollercoaster ride through the latest chapter in the story of how one species has transformed a planet. (Menerangi: (Video) Antroposen menaiki tiga minit yang rollercoaster melalui bab terbaru dalam kisah bagaimana satu spesies telah mengubah planet).

Global map showing major road and rail networks over land, along with transmission line and underwater cable data superimposed over satellite images of cities illuminated at night
Global map showing major road and rail networks over land, along with transmission line and underwater cable data superimposed over satellite images of cities illuminated at night. (Peta global menunjukkan jalan utama dan rangkaian kereta api ke atas tanah, bersama-sama dengan talian penghantaran dan kabel data di bawah air yang menindih ke atas imej satelit daripada bandar-bandar yang diterangi pada waktu malam).

Human technology presence over Africa at night. Road, rail and data transmission lines are highlighted on the map - along with the undersea data cables that connect continents
Human technology presence over Africa at night. Road, rail and data transmission lines are highlighted on the map - along with the undersea data cables that connect continents. (Teknologi kehadiran manusia ke atas Afrika pada waktu malam. Jalan raya, rel dan talian penghantaran data yang diketengahkan pada peta - bersama-sama dengan kabel data di bawah laut yang menghubungkan benua).

The U.S as you've never seen it before: The States is lit up in the video showing thousands of ways of getting from A to B
The U.S as you've never seen it before: The States is lit up in the video showing thousands of ways of getting from A to B. (Amerika Syarikat seperti kerana anda tidak pernah dilihat sebelum: Syarikat dinyalakan dalam video yang menunjukkan beribu-ribu cara untuk mendapatkan dari A ke B).

The video literally highlights the stark contrast between the infrastructures of Europe and north Africa
The video literally highlights the stark contrast between the infrastructures of Europe and north Africa. (Video literal membuktikan jauh berbeza antara infrastruktur Eropah dan Afrika utara).

Air traffic routes across North America and Europe - showing the 'hubs' that connect the world, such as London's Heathrow, JFK in New York and Frankfurt
Air traffic routes across North America and Europe - showing the 'hubs' that connect the world, such as London's Heathrow, JFK in New York and Frankfurt. (Laluan trafik udara di seluruh Amerika Utara dan Eropah - menunjukkan 'hub' yang menghubungkan dunia, seperti di London Heathrow, JFK di New York dan Frankfurt).

Air traffic routes over Eurasia - just one of the technologies Felix Pharand Deschenes has mapped over a night-time view of our planet
Laluan trafik udara di atas Eurasia - hanya salah satu daripada teknologi Felix Pharand Deschenes telah dipetakan ke atas pemandangan waktu malam planet kita. (Laluan trafik Terbang di atas Eurasia - hanya salah satu daripada teknologi Felix Pharand Deschenes telah dipetakan ke atas Pemandangan waktu malam planet kita)

Video: 'Welcome to the Anthropocene' Earth Animation


Watch the narrated version below: (tonton versi yang dinyatakan di bawah):

Narrated Version: Welcome to the Anthropocene


(Source: Daily Mail. Edited. Top image added)

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